Nothing More than Thugs

Like many states, Colorado has a state-wide ban on rent control. As is happening in other states, renters and housing activists are attempting to repeal the ban. In a recent opinion piece, two Boulder residents openly admit that they are nothing more than thugs, writing that Colorado’s

ban on rent control means we cannot force market-rate housing developments to include subsidized housing for low- and moderate-income housing on site.

Because developers won’t voluntarily do what these activists want—subsidize housing for low- and moderate-income households—they should be forced to do so. Since the law doesn’t allow them to bend landlords to their will, they want to change the law.

Civilized people rely on reason and persuasion to convince others to act in a desirable manner. Thugs resort to force. Civilized people respect the autonomy of other individuals and leave them free to choose. Thugs eliminate choices, demanding that others act as the thugs demand, or else face harm.

The activists would likely claim that they are simply utilizing the democratic process, and they would be correct. Democracy—unlimited majority rule—is nothing more than mob rule. Democracy allows the majority to do as it pleases simply because it is the majority. This relegates rights to temporary permissions, which may be revoked whenever the majority deems it appropriate. Consider rent control as an example.

Under the current law, municipalities cannot impose rent control. Landlords can charge market rates, and local governments cannot interfere. The activists want to convince a majority to support their thuggish proposal. In short, the freedom of landlords to determine the rent for their properties is subject to the approval of voters.

If a tenant stuck a gun in the face of his landlord and demanded a partial refund of his rent, we would recognize his action as theft. The principle doesn’t change merely because a government body demands the refund upfront.