The Demand for Conformity

Today’s political climate is one of a perpetual demand for conformity. Both Progressives and conservatives demand conformity. They merely disagree over who should be conforming and to what.

Conformity means acting as others deem appropriate. It means subordinating one’s own judgment to the judgment of others.

America’s educational system, which is dominated by Progressivism, is one example of the demand for conformity. Progressive education focuses on socializing children, rather than teaching them to think independently. The very essence of Progressive education is to train children to conform to the standards established by the group.

Zoning is another example of the demand for conformity. Under zoning, individual property owners are not free to use their land as they choose. Under zoning, individuals can use their property only as the community allows. Those who use their property differently than the group thinks appropriate are subject to fines, jail, or both.

Conservative efforts to dictate the content allowed on social media is another example of the demand for conformity. Conservatives do not want to allow the owners of social media platforms to determine what content is acceptable. Social media companies, the conservatives argue, must conform to the standards of others.

If we examine nearly any political issue, we will find one group attempting to compel others to act contrary to their own judgment. We will find one group seeking to use the coercive power of government to impose conformity.

If we want the freedom to act as we think best, then we must respect and protect the freedom of others to do the same. However, if we demand that others conform to our idea of what is proper, then we should not be surprised when others seek to force us to conform to their idea of what is proper.