Why Biden is Wrong about Vaccine Mandates

Biden wants to force businesses with more than 100 employees to require vaccines. Biden is wrong to issue such and order.

When government—at any level—issues a vaccine mandate, it is requiring individuals to get vaccinated or else. In this context, or else means being prohibited from working for any business with 100 or more employees.

Businesses have been struggling to find workers. Biden’s vaccine mandate is going to reduce the pool of potential employees. If a business believes that requiring employees to be vaccinated is in its best interest, then it will make that a condition of employment. Conversely, if a business believes that its best interest is served by not requiring vaccination, it should be free to act on that decision. Biden’s mandate removes such a choice.

Biden’s mandate prevents businesses from developing policies that they believe will protect employees, including those who don’t want to get vaccinated. For example, a business might be able to operate with no close contact between employees. Or a business may have employees who are always outside, such as farm workers and many utility repair technicians. Biden’s directive prohibits both the employer and the employee from deciding what precautions are acceptable.

Biden is not the CEO of every business in the nation. He has no moral justification to dictate how private businesses operate. He has no moral right to tell them what they can’t and must do. His job is to protect our freedom to live and act as we choose, so long as we respect the freedom of others to do the same.