The Roundup 10

At The Objective Standard, Aaron Briley addresses the anti-American ideas underlying Black Lives Matter.

Many seem to regard BLM as a humanitarian organization that fights on behalf of the downtrodden—as a nonviolent movement dedicated to protecting the rights of vulnerable citizens. However, this is not true. Founders and leaders of the organization advocate an ideology that calls for violence, and many of its supporters eagerly enact it.

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In the Orange County Register, Ben Bayer attacks the idea that those who refuse to wear a mask are being selfish.

If you don’t care about how others affect your own interests, do you really care about your self-interest? The broader point is that pursuing self-interest isn’t just doing whatever you feel like. I never feel like wearing a mask: they are uncomfortable. But not liking them doesn’t mean they’re not good for me.

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University of Texas at Austin president Jay Hartzell has written an excellent defense of free speech.

Allowing free speech does not endorse the truth, value or morality of what is expressed. It does, however, stand on the premise that the only way to figure out what is true, valuable and morally right is through thought and discussion.