Talking Points: Government’s Role in a Pandemic

  • As stated in the Declaration of Independence, government’s proper purpose is the protection of individual rights (including property rights). This means protecting the freedom of individuals to choose their values and the means for attaining them, so long as they respect the freedom of others to do the same.
  • Those who are infected with a contagious, deadly disease pose an objective threat to others, even if unintentionally. Government has a responsibility to protect the uninfected from the carriers of such diseases.
  • Government has a crucial role to play during a pandemic. That role centers on identifying infected individuals through testing, isolating those who are infected, and tracing their contacts.
  • We can combat pandemics without destroying the economy. Taiwan, a nation of 24 million people, has had only 7 deaths from COVID-19. In early January they implemented a policy of testing, isolating, and tracing.
  • In addition to testing, isolating, and tracing, government must provide the public with information regarding the pandemic and the steps that individuals should take to protect themselves. Rather than issue mandates and prohibitions, government should inform and advise.
  • Government’s powers are delimited in “normal” times. Those powers should also be delimited during a pandemic. New laws are needed to define government’s powers in a pandemic, and the criteria for exercising those powers.
  • New laws are also needed to define the planning and preparation required of government regarding pandemics. Government must be proactive in the face of new threats, and it must be prepared to identify and respond to those threats.

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