Texans Need a Sam Houston for Education

The curriculum in government schools is chosen and dictated by government officials. The textbooks used in government schools are chosen by government officials. The ideas taught in government schools, and the vast majority of Texas schoolchildren attend government schools, are determined by government officials. Parents who disagree with those ideas often have no viable alternatives because they are forced to pay for government schools.

In 1836, Texans rose in defiance of the Mexican dictator Santa Anna. Among their grievances was the imposition of a State religion. Texans fought for the freedom to think freely. If we wish to honor their legacy, then we must fight for our freedom to think freely and teach our children the ideas that we believe to be true. We must fight to free ourselves and our children from the State’s monopoly on education.

 The only meaningful way to relieve taxpayers from the burden of government schools is to abolish government schools. The only way to achieve true intellectual freedom in Texas schools is to abolish government schools. Both taxpayers and students will benefit from true educational freedom. All that is lacking is the Sam Houston to lead the fight for educational independence. Click here to download the entire policy brief.