If you examine nearly any debate regarding government policy, almost all of the discussion revolves around government imposing more restrictions
Tag: zoning
Why Conservatives Support Exclusionary Zoning
When Joe Biden proposed withholding federal funds from municipalities that did not relax exclusionary zoning laws (aka single-family zoning), conservatives
Why Texas Should Abolish Exclusionary Zoning
Cities across Texas are struggling with a severe shortage of low- and moderate-income housing. One of the primary causes is
The Solution to the Housing Shortage
The methods for dealing with a supply shortage are well-known. Prices can be increased to curtail demand. Retailers can move
A Cautionary Tale
Those with a political agenda often distort facts to suit their purpose. Opponents of rezoning in New York City are
Command and Control doesn’t Work
Cities and counties in California are required to issue permits for a specific number of houses each year as a
Friday Roundup 12-3-21
NBC news reports that in early 2020 the Trump administration gave $100 million to a federal agency for the purpose
Tucker’s War on Property Rights
Conservatives have been attacking Biden’s suggestion that single-family zoning laws be eliminated or relaxed. They frequently call this a war