In the 2017 legislative session, the Texas House considered a bill that would severely limit the ability of local governments
Tag: property rights
The Tragedy of the “Commons,” Part 2
In Part 1, we examined the tragedy of the “commons.” In that post, the argument for government regulation was presented.
The Tragedy of the “Commons,” Part 1
In 1968, Garrett Hardin wrote a highly influential article titled “The Tragedy of the Commons,” in which he examined the
End the Piece Meal Defense of Property Rights
During the 2017 Texas legislative session, protecting property rights from violations by local governments was a recurring subject and the
Strange Bedfellows
It is said that politics sometimes makes strange bedfellows. Politicians who seem to oppose one another on virtually every issue
The Right to Property
For decades, property rights have been under attack across America and Texas. From environmental regulations to zoning ordinances, from business
The War on Uber
Each time it enters a new market, Uber meets with vehement protests. But those protests do not come from consumers.
Property Rights and Poverty
Last week, I wrote about the relationship between property rights and human flourishing. Writing on, Chuck DeVore provides further