Parker County commissioners recently denied a landlocked resident’s request that the county build a road to his property. Jonathan Hobson
Category: Blog
Enforcement vs. Prohibition
In cities across Texas (and the country) local politicians are imposing severe restrictions and outright bans on short-term rentals (STRs).
Texas Supreme Court Sanctions the Rule of Whim
Last year, I wrote about the case of Hinga Mbogo, a Dallas auto shop owner whose property was retroactively rezoned
The War on the Republic
Regressives (they call themselves “Progressives”) have long opposed the system of limited government established by the drafters of the Constitution.
The Emancipation of Plumbers
As of September 1, in the state of Texas anyone can offer plumbing services. As of that date, the Texas
When the Principals Have no Principles
I recently stumbled across an article by a doctor who declared: I am a capitalist and physician who believes competition
You are Hereby Ordered…
Last Friday, the Commander in Chief of the United States sent forth several tweets in response to China’s announcement that
Free Market Alternatives: Life without the FDA
When I make a statement that some government program or agency should be abolished, I am often asked how certain