Many decry cronyism as a form of capitalism. In truth, cronyism and capitalism are incompatible. Capitalism is the social/political system
Category: Blog
The Crony Ideology
Both leftists and conservatives embrace the crony ideology. That they apply that ideology differently is merely a matter of detail.
Cronyism: An Introduction
In recent years, individuals from across the political spectrum have condemned cronyism. Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, once remarked
Fighting for Control
The Houston Chronicle reports that political battle is developing between the state and local governments in Georgia. As in Texas,
Sanction of the Victim
I was recently at a party and met a woman from California. During our conversation, she mentioned that she owned
Let it Be
There are many people who can’t let it be. They can’t accept the fact that others may disagree with them
Tilting at Windmills
Nineteen Austin property owners have filed suit against the city. They claim that efforts to revise the city’s zoning ordinance
Sacrificing the Few for the Many
One of the most vile premises underlying the border wall (and there are many) is the the few should be