Proposals for dealing with the housing crisis invariably invoke a framework that pigeonholes legislators. This framework pits one group against
Category: Blog
Short-term “Solutions” in Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor, Michigan recently became the third jurisdiction in the nation to create a tenants’ commission to “amplify the voices
The Pseudo-independence of Being Anti-authority
Last week, a reader asked me to expand on a remark made in a post about those who are anti-authority:
I Know What is Best for You
A good salesman seeks to empower his customer to make a wise purchasing decision. He does this by asking questions
Friday Roundup 11-5-21
The Justice Department has announced that it is investigating instances of “digital redlining”—the use of algorithms to determine which loans
Altruism’s ”Rebels”
As more employers are requiring employees to get vaccinated for COVID-19 or submit to regular testing, employees are fighting back
Schumer Calls the Kettle Black
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer recently denounced a real estate company for its “predatory” practices in buying more than one-hundred
Talking Points: Housing Justice
Background: Sen. Bernie Sanders has stated the fundamental position of the housing justice movement when he said, “I believe that