On January 1, 2024, vendors who sell books to Texas government schools will be required to rate each book they
Category: Blog
Mob Rule Rules in California
In 2024, California voters will decide whether to repeal the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act, which prohibits municipalities from imposing rent
A Call for Dictatorship
In late July, two professors issued a call for dictatorship. In an open letter to President Biden, Harvard law professor
No Such Thing as “Public Money”
Defenders of government schools like to claim that vouchers, educational savings plans, and similar programs give “public money” to parents
It’s All About Property Rights
I began this series by referring to Ayn Rand’s claim that without property rights, no other rights are possible. I
The Virtues of Property Rights
This post is the seventh in a series. While I have long understood the importance of property rights, my understanding
Individual Rights and Government Wrongs
This post is the sixth in a series. In the early 1990s, I wrote a paper titled “Government Without Taxation.”
Lessons From Fighting Zoning
This post is the fifth in a series. In the past two posts, I have summarized my experiences while fighting