Opponents of school choice argue that, because private schools do not have to accept all students, vouchers will lead to
Category: Education
Limit School Choice to Low-income Families
A recent survey by the University of Houston Hobby School of Public Affairs found that 61 percent of Texans favor
More Money is Needed
With school choice gaining support in Texas, defenders of government schools are unleashing a media blitz. No matter the details
Better by What Standard?
Defenders of government schools claim that those schools do a better job of educating students than private schools. And the
“Bracketing Out” is Unprincipled
Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, a supporter of school choice, has suggested that rural school districts be “bracketed out” of
It’s About the Individual
Iowa Gov. Kimberly Reynolds has proposed a number of education reforms that promise more choices for parents and students. She
Look at Reality
Many opponents of school choice argue that government schools are the lifeblood of many rural communities. School choice will be
Who are They Accountable To?
The Daily Caller reports that the Ector County (Texas) Independent School District’s (ECISD) Board of Trustees has vowed to “oppose