Philosopher Ben Bayer provides a succinct and provoking summary of “A Pro-Freedom Approach to Infectious Disease: Preparing for the Next
Author: Brian Phillips
A Surgical Approach to COVID-19
In late March, Dr. David Katz questioned whether the lockdown was worse than the disease. In a New York Times
Filters to Apply to COVID Claims
Alex Epstein, author of the New York Times bestseller The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels, discusses ways think about claims
America is now Venezuela
For years, Americans watched in horror as Venezuela steadily descended from Latin America’s most prosperous nation to abject poverty. Many
Arguments for the Lockdown Misrepresent Economic Evidence
In this article, philosopher Ben Bayer exposes the politicization of the coronavirus pandemic. He notes that both the response to
How to Think Philosophically about the Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic and the responses to it from both business and government have dominated the headlines and overwhelmed our
Are Lockdowns Justified?
In this discussion, Alex Epstein (author of the New York Times bestseller The Moral Care for Fossil Fuels) and Onkar
Amesh Adalja Discusses COVID-19
In this interview, infectious disease expert Dr. Amesh Adalja discusses the development of our understanding of COVID-19, including the dynamics