Defenders of exclusionary zoning argue that if that institution is eliminated, neighborhoods will be overrun with multi-family housing. Quiet neighborhoods
Author: Brian Phillips
Alternatives to Zoning: Nuisance
Defenders of exclusionary zoning argue that if that institution is eliminated, neighborhoods will be overrun with multi-family housing. Children will
The Failure to Discriminate
Many conservatives oppose vaccine mandates, regardless of its source. They see no difference between a government mandate and a mandate
That Which is Seen
In 1850, the French economist, Claude Frédéric Bastiat, wrote an essay titled “That Which is Seen and That Which is
An Exception that Isn’t
If you examine nearly any debate regarding government policy, almost all of the discussion revolves around government imposing more restrictions
Alternatives to Occupational Licensing
While all occupational licensing infringes on our freedom to produce and trade, the licensing of some professions has a degree
A Protection Racket
Of the many schemes perpetrated by government, one of the most insidious is occupational licensing. Occupational licensing requires individuals to