A truly moral justification for property rights in space must include an identification of the nature of property and property
Author: Brian Phillips
Property Rights in Space: Shared Premises
While purporting to offer the foundation for “morally-justified property rights in space,” Lowe’s proposal actually is an abrogation of property
Property Rights in Space: A False Framework
In 1967, the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union signed the Outer Space Treaty. While the treaty
Property Rights in Space: A Duty to Sacrifice
Beginning with its position that space is a part of the “celestial commons,” the Left argues that we need “democratic
Property Rights in Space: The Celestial Commons
Leftists regard space as a part of the “celestial commons.” Space, they claim, belongs to all of mankind and private
Property Rights in Space: Introduction
Last July, both Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson launched private rockets into space carrying human passengers. In September, Elon Musk’s
Defending the Free Market
Defending the free market often puts one in the position of explaining how a particular product or service would be
Rights are not Subject to a Vote
Last November, voters in St. Paul approved the most stringent rent control law in the nation. This past week, a