With school choice gaining support in Texas, defenders of government schools are unleashing a media blitz. No matter the details
Author: Brian Phillips
The Cops aren’t the Problem
We often hear complaints about the manner in which police officers enforce certain laws. For example, in Georgia, police arrested
Coming to Your City: National Rent Control
In early January, fifty Democrat members of Congress sent a letter to President Biden. The letter urged him to “to
An Orwellian View of Freedom
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis recently announced a proposal for a state law to permanently prohibit vaccine passports, forbid businesses from
Self-interest and Raising Wages
In late January, Walmart, the nation’s largest private employer, announced that it will raise its minimum wage to $14 an
SB 147 is an Injustice
Texas Sen. Lois Kolkhorst has introduced SB 147, a bill that would prohibit citizens, companies, governments, and entities from China,
Better by What Standard?
Defenders of government schools claim that those schools do a better job of educating students than private schools. And the
The Great Shopping Cart Theft
CNN reports that cities across the nation are cracking down on abandoned shopping carts. They are fining retailers and imposing