Europe is experiencing record high energy prices, and with winter fast approaching, many predict the situation will get worse. Like most of the developed world, European countries have been rushing to adopt “renewable” energy sources like wind. However, when the wind doesn’t blow, there is no power generated.
Alex Epstein has been making this point for years. Wind, solar, and other “renewables” are unreliable and simply cannot produce the energy that a modern society requires to flourish. And while nations, including the United States, are increasingly embracing “renewables,” they are simultaneously shutting down reliable energy producing plants, such as coal, natural gas, and nuclear. When we rely on unreliable energy sources, the availability of electricity will also be unreliable.
What is happening in Europe will soon be happening in America. The power problems that have plagued California for years will spread across the nation. When the wind doesn’t blow, the lights don’t come on. And when power is available, it will be much more expensive.
As Epstein has argued, modern societies need abundant, reliable, and cheap energy to flourish. “Renewables” meet none of these criteria. To depend on such energy sources is economic suicide.
The pandemic has exposed all of us to the problems that result when supply lines are disrupted. Dependency on unreliable energy sources will disrupt manufacturing plants, transportation, and everything that depends on reliable energy—including heating and cooling our homes and businesses. Years ago, Obama warned Americans that higher energy prices were on the horizon if his “green” energy plans were adopted. His prediction is becoming a reality.
The advocates of climate change have been telling us that a catastrophe is only years away. They are right, but in a way much different from what they intend. If we continue down the path we are on, we will see industrial society, and everything it makes possible, collapse.