The Democrats vs. Santa

I will admit that I quit believing in Santa Claus many years ago. But the Democrat candidates apparently still believe. However, they have added a twist to the story of Santa that I was told as a child.

When I still believed in Santa, I was told that he kept a list. Boys and girls who were good throughout the year would have some of their wishes fulfilled. Those who had been naughty would receive a lump of coal. In other words, what we received from Santa would be a consequence of our actions. In that regard, Santa was about justice–giving to individuals what they have earned.

But the Democrats have dispensed with the concept of justice. They believe that individuals have earned an increasing list of values–housing, a “living wage,” education, and health care to name a few. And individuals have earned these values because they exist. To the Democrats, individuals don’t earn values by their actions, but merely by being born.

The values that Democrats want to hand out like cheap candy must be created. Developers and builders, businessmen and entrepreneurs, teachers and professors, doctors and nurses–these are the people who create the values that Democrats want to hand out for free. But values cannot be dispensed for free–somebody must pay for them. And when values are given for free by politicians, it is the producers of those values who pay.

Politicians do not create values, and thus they have no values to hand out for free. But politicians can seize values from the producers and give them to those who have not produced. That is not justice. That is a gross injustice.

Democrats believe that individuals deserve certain values, regardless or in spite of their own actions. If an individual takes no action to get an education, improve his job skills, plan for his future, the Democrats do not hold him responsible for the dire straits he later finds himself in. Instead, the Democrats want to reward him with free tuition, an unearned raise, and affordable housing. They want to shackle those who do in order to get the votes of those who won’t do.