A new group has been formed to oppose the proposed bullet train between Dallas and Houston. ReRoute the Route–a coalition of land owners, elected officials and business leaders– is arguing that, “This project needs to be built right, using existing right of way and connecting to city centers; or not built at all.”
In other words, if the bullet train doesn’t meet the standards set by this coalition, government officials should prevent the line from being built.
While the coalition purports to support property rights, their stance is a direct assault on property rights. They want to dictate how a private business operates, and they want to use the coercive power of government to impose their views.
Certainly, the use of eminent domain by Texas Central should be opposed. But the proper way to oppose the seizure of private property is not by demanding that legislators impose specific criteria on the railroad. Property rights are not protected by dictating how owners may use their property.
Property rights mean the freedom to use one’s property as one chooses. We may not always agree with the choices others make. But if we hold the right to property as sacrosanct, then we must defend their freedom to make choices we do not like. However, if we demand that government prohibit them from acting on choices that we dislike, we open the door for them to do the same to us.