The Roundup 7

How Informed are Voters?
A recent survey found that American voters are generally misinformed on a wide range of political issues. The report stated, “On average, voters gave the correct answer 40% of the time, gave an incorrect answer 53% of the time, and said they were unsure 7% of the time. A majority of voters gave the correct answer to only six of the 24 questions.” The Internet certainly makes it easier to obtain information; the Internet also makes it easier to spread false information. You can take the survey here. (Note: The correct answer is displayed immediately after the question.)

Homage to the Sandwich
We often take things for granted, such as making a sandwich. It is easy to obtain the ingredients. All it takes is a trip to the local grocery store. But a lot has to occur before those ingredients are made available to consumers. This video illustrates this fact, and is am implicit celebration of the creative powers of a free market.