Cornerstone of Liberty: Property Rights in 21st Century America, by Timothy Sandefur
and Christina Sandefur, presents a compelling story about the importance of property rights.
Private property rights are not just dry abstractions of political philosophy. Nor is property a mere economic concept. Like the freedoms of speech or religion, private property affects our everyday lives in countless different ways. Notwithstanding the arguments of some political thinkers, property is not an arbitrary social construct, but a deeply rooted human need, one that protects some of the most essential, intangible values that make life worth living.
While much of the book focuses on contemporary issues involving property rights, it also provides a survey of the legal theories that have led to the widespread attacks on property. These theories are illustrated with a litany of horror stories.
One of the more interesting, and inspiring, sections of the book examines Arizona’s Proposition 207, also known as the “Private Property Rights Protection Act.” Passed in 2006, the law provides for compensation to the victims of land-use regulations. Not surprisingly, the law has had a significant impact in reducing such regulations.
Cornerstone of Liberty is a welcome addition to the literature on property rights.